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How to Seaweed Influence in our Life

How to seaweed influence in our life

The Animal Kingdom is really diverse land. What the different types of plants and animals here do not, and made to see how many of their properties. Moreover, this is a small part of the diverse species we have only been able to uncover. Do not know how much more are hidden out of diversity. The animal world the diverse animal world, especially in their daily life to be grateful for the journey is only one kind of creature she mosses.

All energy comes from the sun to the earth itself, we know fairly. This solar power certainly cannot directly use any animal. There are forms of solar energy use to a single molecule, called chlorophyll. Through the use of force in the entire animal kingdom is born, daily living and his descendants spread out with 99.9% percent of the sun is absorbed by chlorophylls and chlorophyll in green plants exist. The energy absorbed by the chlorophylls in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and water as well as become chemical energy that exists in the glucose. This is the main fuel glaucoma all forms of energy use.

Using the power of light to create algae. This type of light is shining light from algae collected energy from the environment each year, which will reduce the huge amount of carbon dioxide.

However, the glucose produced from solar energy, but the main task of tree world is the seaweed. And the blue-green algae in the sea around the world seaweed use as solar energy into useful forms the main source. This is almost the only source of energy is all the seaweeds marine species. There was no oxygen in Earth's atmosphere sometimes, 1% oxygen in Earth's atmosphere remains in seaweeds, which has made way for the development of the organism.

Not only in discovering animals, but also the future survival of the human species itself has been given to the role of algae. Seaweed is seen as a great source of future energy solutions. Seaweed is quite effective against a variety of human activities could contribute to pollution of environment crash. For centuries, seaweed is used as fertilizer in agriculture. Nutrition full of algae and nutrients to meet the needs of several highly effective roles. A healthy drink made from seaweed. Moreover, a number of important industrial products are collected from algae.

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