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How can stand a day without grass!

informative information grass photo

What are your ideas? One cannot survive without grass? No, you're probably wondering what to say? What is the relationship with the survival of our grass? Happened, and do not eat grass! But I don’t think and very much doubt of live one day without grass. To find out why say it all before, and then the following article should focus attention:

We like to eat bread/rice three times a day. Some eat bread/rice twice a day and a half to eat bread. Can you tell where come from rice and bread? (Now, please do not despair, read more) could not! In fact, rice is rice plant (some say rice plants), and the bread is bread tree (or trees wheat) from. If you already know that this two rice and wheat respectively come from the field, but also just.

And no riddle, I'm serious. In fact, 80% of our daily source of all food comes from grass. Yes, rice, wheat, maize and barley such grass. So you can say that the human community has sustained by grass. If you have doubts, not at the top of the grass are plants. However, one work can be done. Take a plant grass in one hand that you are 100% sure and (at least it has been believed since childhood it is grass) in the other hand at the top of a plant. Compare between the two. Touch the leaves with your hands, form the trunk of view, the structure of the ear and the similarities between the two will suffice. If you still cannot find enough common or if you do not trust your own observations, take the help of a plant scientist. If you've been assured that twice a day, every day eating "Grass-Fruit', then be thankful (grass and to me) and consider whether the grass really cannot survive even for a day.

In addition we get more important food and materials from the grass besides the grain. There are toward the top of sugar in our daily diet. The grass is the main source of sugar, because sugar cane is actually a type of grass. Most of the undeveloped & developing countries use bamboo the main elements for the construction of houses. This bamboo is one kind of grass. There are special grass has highly effective medicinal properties. The grass looked comfortable for the eyes. Without hard to imagine a grass playground and I say to the expansion of our premises beauty (Non lawn grass is seen too much? Was greeted far?). Recently electricity is being produced from the grass!

Most of the food comes from grass all human beings on earth. Only human communities or say why, all the creatures food of the earth comes from grass. The herbivorous animal is almost completely dependent on the grass for food. And carnivorous creatures based on the herbivorous.

This leads to the idea that long, then perhaps the world's most grass plants. Not at all. The grass is all but a tiny part of the plant. Just a small part of this is not how big helpful for us.

Let's get more grass and our impact on the environment to mitigate it. However, to put more and more into the grass and other plants do not tinker with less.


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