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How to Remove Dental Tartar or Dental Stone without Dentist

informative-information teeth tartar

Yellow or brown mineral coating can be seen much more or fewer teeth. It is called tartar. What we know as stone teeth. If you do not regularly clean the tartar is growing. Because of the dental priodonataitisera.

What priodonataitisa?

If the gums are inflamed tissues priodonataitisa occurred. As a result increase, the risk of gum withholds there is the possibility of a premature loss of teeth. To avoid the problem, tartar on the teeth to be cleaned regularly. The dentist is the first solution to remove tartar. However, if you can solve the problem by sitting at home.

To clean tartar, this will take:

* Baking soda
* Dental Peak
* Salt
* Hydrogen peroxide
* Water
* Toothbrush
* Cup
* Antiseptic mouthwash
To remove tartar, the most effective and available element is baking soda. Let us assume that the method to remove tartar.

The first step:

In a cup, a tablespoon of baking soda mixes with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. The toothbrush soaked in the hot water brush your teeth for five minutes with the mixture of baking soda and salt. Finally take gargles.

The second step:

1/2 cup warm water mix with a cup of hydrogen peroxide. Keep the water in the mouth for one minute. Then take gargles with 1/2 cup of water.

The third step:

Slowly rub up to the yellow tartar of the teeth with a dental pick. Please use dental pick cautiously to avoid damage to the gums.

The fourth step:

Take gargles with the antiseptic mouthwash.

A few tips for shiny white teeth-

Strawberry and tomato:

Strawberries and tomatoes are full of vitamin C are good for the tooth. To clean up tartar rub up to the teeth with strawberries or tomatoes and take five minutes. It will be soft tartar. Then take gargles with baking soda mixed with warm water. Besides strawberries or tomatoes, in addition, Capsicum, lemons, papaya and oranges is rich in vitamin C can be used.


You can eat cheese before eating. Cheese disables dishes acidic, which is a key component of tartar.


1. Use a soft brush for cleaning the teeth. When brushing your teeth, brush down and over. Keep in mind that the middle part of the gums and teeth clean.
2. Use dental floss.
3. Pepper type of food helps to an emission of saliva which naturally cleanses the mouth.
4. Rub up teeth with orange peel to remove bacteria smudge before bed at night. Brush your teeth in the morning.


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